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The B2B Manufacturer's Guide to Inbound Marketing


Research shows that 94% of B2B buyers are doing their own research online. 

If you think about it, who would put thousands of dollars into a product without first researching the product and the companies that sell it? You probably wouldn’t, and the statistics show your customers won’t either. 

Your qualified buyers: the ones who already know they need what you’re selling, have to be convinced that you’re the best choice. They’ve probably already done some initial research on the product, and they may even be well versed in the product itself, but how do they know that you’re the B2B manufacturer to buy from? 

The answer is an inbound marketing strategy. To become that best choice, you need an inbound marketing strategy that gets you site-views from those qualified leads who are already searching for your product. 

And by marketing we don’t mean the old “let’s try it and hope it works” guessing game. We mean an inbound marketing strategy that is proven to get results: an analyzed, researched and segmented process that all comes down to specific best practices.

By implementing our comprehensive inbound marketing guide, you can reach clients where they’re at, and harness that research into a lead-generating machine: your website. 

We’ve got the information and the data that tells you what you need. And what you need is to develop a concrete digital marketing strategy, track its progress, and keep refining and refining your process until you’re hitting the right customers, at the right time, every time. How do you do that?

It’s all in Evenbound's Exhaustive Guide to Digital Marketing for Manufacturers. If you’re looking to draw in qualified leads, and turn them into long-term clients, this guide will tell you what to do, and how to do it.