
Inbound Marketing

Draw the right leads in. We help you transform your marketing strategy
to offer the right content, to the right people, at just the right time.

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is a method of marketing that relies on pulling new clients in, rather than pushing your products and services at them.

The inbound marketing methodology states that you can grow your business better, and faster, by informing, educating, and delighting prospects with informational content and helpful service. Quality content attracts people to your website, and personalized service keeps them coming back to learn more until they’re ready to purchase from you.

Inbound marketing is a big concept, with many facets and tactics that make it useful and relevant to companies in the digital era. But, it’s also a big shift from what most companies are used to, which makes it difficult for many businesses to implement on their own.

That’s where inbound marketing agencies come in.

Inbound marketing brings consumers in with the information they want, then nurtures them to close with exceptional service and personalized experiences.


What is an Inbound Marketing Agency?

An inbound marketing agency is a firm whose particular expertise lies in implementing inbound marketing tactics for themselves and for their clients. They place a priority on smart, measurable growth for their clients and they partner with clients to develop a comprehensive inbound marketing strategy that both teams can use to draw in leads and convert better customers.

If you offer the best content, the most information, and have quality, positive interactions, you’re the company most likely to come out on top.

Looking for an inbound marketing agency to partner with? Learn what it’s like working with us. 

Why Evenbound?



What is an Inbound Marketing Agency?

An inbound marketing agency is a firm whose particular expertise lies in implementing inbound marketing tactics for themselves and for their clients. They place a priority on smart, measurable growth for their clients and they partner with clients to develop a comprehensive inbound marketing strategy that both teams can use to draw in leads and convert better customers.

If you offer the best content, the most information, and have quality, positive interactions, you’re the company most likely to come out on top.

Looking for an inbound marketing agency to partner with? Learn what it’s like working with us. 

Why Evenbound?



The Inbound Marketing Flywheel

The inbound marketing flywheel (coined by HubSpot) is the newest way of conceptualizing how inbound marketing works as a methodology. It puts the customer front and center and helps you maintain momentum, rather than thinking of each customer having a specific start and endpoint with your company. 

The flywheel highlights three specific stages of inbound marketing, with marketing tactics to support each stage.



The Inbound Marketing Flywheel

The inbound marketing flywheel (coined by HubSpot) is the newest way of conceptualizing how inbound marketing works as a methodology. It puts the customer front and center and helps you maintain momentum, rather than thinking of each customer having a specific start and endpoint with your company. 

The flywheel highlights three specific stages of inbound marketing, with marketing tactics to support each stage.


You want qualified leads, right? This is how you get them. Your goal in the attract stage is to draw in more visitors to your site, introduce them to your products and services, and answer any questions they may have about it. Some forces you can apply here are:

  • Content marketing
  • SEO 
  • Social media marketing
  • Conversion rate optimization


Nice work — you’ve attracted new leads! Now you’ve got to talk to them. The engage stage is about connecting with visitors in a specific, personalized way that offers them the best experience possible. Some forces you can apply here are: 

  • Personalization
  • Marketing automation
  • Sales automation
  • Lead scoring


Closed the deal? Great! Now it’s time to turn your customers into promoters. They love you and what you have to offer, so encourage them to share their great experience with others. Some forces you can apply here are: 

  • Proactive customer service
  • Self-service (chatbot, blog)
  • Ticketing systems
  • Customer feedback surveys
Learn More About the Inbound Flywheel

What Problems Can Inbound Marketing Solve For You?

Got marketing problems? Inbound marketing is your fix — for now and for the long term. Here are some common problems you may encounter, and how a solid inbound marketing strategy can help.


What Does Evenbound’s Inbound Marketing Strategy Include?

We use inbound marketing strategies to create growth for our clients and ourselves. As we like to put it, we know the way because we go the way. Our process is designed and proven to drive qualified traffic, convert qualified leads, and ultimately help you acquire more of the customers who keep your flywheel spinning. 

Here’s a breakdown of the inbound marketing services we offer, and how we’ll tailor each of them to deliver serious growth for your company.



Website Strategy

Your website is the support system for all key tactics in your inbound marketing strategy, so it’s important to have a good one. We’ll rebuild and optimize your website to become a solid foundation for the rest of our growth strategies. Our websites are: 

  • Specifically designed for you
  • Optimized for search on multiple responsive devices
  • User-friendly, easily navigable, and attractive
  • Lead generation machines

Bottom line? Your website is more than just a list of your product and service offerings and your contact information. It’s the foundation of your inbound marketing strategy. Yes, it needs to look good — but it also needs to perform.




Website Strategy

Your website is the support system for all key tactics in your inbound marketing strategy, so it’s important to have a good one. We’ll rebuild and optimize your website to become a solid foundation for the rest of our growth strategies. Our websites are: 

  • Specifically designed for you
  • Optimized for search on multiple responsive devices
  • User-friendly, easily navigable, and attractive
  • Lead generation machines

Bottom line? Your website is more than just a list of your product and service offerings and your contact information. It’s the foundation of your inbound marketing strategy. Yes, it needs to look good — but it also needs to perform.



SEO & Search Engine Positioning

Want to show up on the first page? Welcome to SEO and search engine positioning. SEO is the process of optimizing your website, blog, and other aspects of your inbound marketing strategy to boost your search engine positioning. Your search engine positioning is where your company appears when someone searches one of your industry keywords online. 

Our SEO process includes three components:



SEO & Search Engine Positioning

Want to show up on the first page? Welcome to SEO and search engine positioning. SEO is the process of optimizing your website, blog, and other aspects of your inbound marketing strategy to boost your search engine positioning. Your search engine positioning is where your company appears when someone searches one of your industry keywords online. 

Our SEO process includes three components:

On-Site SEO

We’ll optimize a range of items on your website to boost search engine rankings — from keyword additions to internal linking, meta titles and descriptions, and more.

Off-Site SEO

We use those keywords we discovered to develop a targeted content strategy that will draw in the qualified potential leads you’re looking for.

Technical SEO

We’ll take a look at your website and technical performance, then do what we can to keep it up to par. SSL certificates, mobile-friendliness, and site speed all fall into this category.

More on SEO


Content Marketing

Content marketing is the bread and butter of most inbound marketing strategies. Though the tactics behind content marketing change as search algorithms change, the general concept is always much the same: write thorough, helpful content that makes your target buyer’s life easier. 

Writing content for both people and search engines can be difficult. It’s also our job. We’ll help you create and execute a content marketing strategy that helps you generate leads. Some content marketing tactics we implement are: 


Blogs help drive traffic to your website, allow you to convert traffic into leads, and help establish your company as an industry authority — but only if they’re written well and optimized for search engines. Don’t worry, we’ll handle that hard work for you. 

Website Pages

From your home page to your contact page, your website needs to be written in a way that ranks on search engines and helps users find the information they need. We’ll rewrite your website from scratch or optimize what you currently have for boosted performance.

Content Offers

As a form of gated content, content offers are a huge lead generation tool. We’ll write helpful, engaging, and exclusive content that entices leads to enter their contact information before learning more.

Landing Pages

A landing page is any page (other than your homepage) where site visitors land when they click over to your site from another website, a search engine, or a link. We direct those visitors to an optimized landing page that will provide them with the content they’re looking for AND capture their contact information. 



Content Marketing

Content marketing is the bread and butter of most inbound marketing strategies. Though the tactics behind content marketing change as search algorithms change, the general concept is always much the same: write thorough, helpful content that makes your target buyer’s life easier. 

Writing content for both people and search engines can be difficult. It’s also our job. We’ll help you create and execute a content marketing strategy that helps you generate leads. Some content marketing tactics we implement are: 


Blogs help drive traffic to your website, allow you to convert traffic into leads, and help establish your company as an industry authority — but only if they’re written well and optimized for search engines. Don’t worry, we’ll handle that hard work for you. 

Website Pages

From your home page to your contact page, your website needs to be written in a way that ranks on search engines and helps users find the information they need. We’ll rewrite your website from scratch or optimize what you currently have for boosted performance.

Content Offers

As a form of gated content, content offers are a huge lead generation tool. We’ll write helpful, engaging, and exclusive content that entices leads to enter their contact information before learning more.

Landing Pages

A landing page is any page (other than your homepage) where site visitors land when they click over to your site from another website, a search engine, or a link. We direct those visitors to an optimized landing page that will provide them with the content they’re looking for AND capture their contact information. 

Like any company change, inbound marketing implementation can take time. It helps to have a partner in the process.


Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is how your business engages with social media users. From sharing your blogs and other relevant industry information to posting news about your team, everything you post and share to your company’s social media accounts is considered social media marketing. Trust us, no matter what industry you’re in, there’s an opportunity here.

Whether you’re hoping to boost social engagement or increase awareness of your product or brand, we’re here to build a strategy that meets those goals. 



Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is how your business engages with social media users. From sharing your blogs and other relevant industry information to posting news about your team, everything you post and share to your company’s social media accounts is considered social media marketing. Trust us, no matter what industry you’re in, there’s an opportunity here.

Whether you’re hoping to boost social engagement or increase awareness of your product or brand, we’re here to build a strategy that meets those goals. 



Landing Pages

A landing page is any page (other than your homepage) where site visitors land when they click over to your site from another website, a search engine, or a link. We direct those visitors to an optimized landing page that will provide them with the content they’re looking for AND capture their contact information. 

Here are some of the best practices we use to create and optimize landing pages:



Landing Pages

A landing page is any page (other than your homepage) where site visitors land when they click over to your site from another website, a search engine, or a link. We direct those visitors to an optimized landing page that will provide them with the content they’re looking for AND capture their contact information. 

Here are some of the best practices we use to create and optimize landing pages:



RevOps, or revenue operations, is the next big thing in business function, organization, and growth. It’s an organizational strategy that maximizes your company’s revenue potential by bringing all parts of a business together. Not just sales and marketing — everything. You’ll see how sales, marketing, service, and even finance can all align into one growth strategy. 

Not sure exactly what this is or how to implement it? No worries? We’re completely up to speed on it, excited about it, and ready to help you grow with it. No more disconnected teams. No more disorganized data. No more unclear revenue streams. 




RevOps, or revenue operations, is the next big thing in business function, organization, and growth. It’s an organizational strategy that maximizes your company’s revenue potential by bringing all parts of a business together. Not just sales and marketing — everything. You’ll see how sales, marketing, service, and even finance can all align into one growth strategy. 

Not sure exactly what this is or how to implement it? No worries? We’re completely up to speed on it, excited about it, and ready to help you grow with it. No more disconnected teams. No more disorganized data. No more unclear revenue streams. 



Email Marketing

Email is one of the few opportunities you have to speak to clients who already know you. That makes it incredibly valuable. 

We’ll help you deliver the right information to the right leads at the right time by segmenting your email list according to your buyer personas and by developing email marketing strategies that meet your goals. Whether you’re hoping to raise awareness, engage prospects that dropped out of the sales cycle or nurture new leads, we’ll segment your list and tailor your messaging accordingly. 



Email Marketing

Email is one of the few opportunities you have to speak to clients who already know you. That makes it incredibly valuable. 

We’ll help you deliver the right information to the right leads at the right time by segmenting your email list according to your buyer personas and by developing email marketing strategies that meet your goals. Whether you’re hoping to raise awareness, engage prospects that dropped out of the sales cycle or nurture new leads, we’ll segment your list and tailor your messaging accordingly. 


HubSpot: A Comprehensive Inbound Marketing Tool

HubSpot develops software designed to help businesses grow and is a pioneer of the inbound methodology. Their sales, marketing, service, CMS, and operations hubs are structured and optimized to help you use inbound marketing to grow. 

At Evenbound, we’re a HubSpot Diamond Solutions Partner ready to help you implement and use these tools to support your inbound marketing efforts. We know just about everything there is to know about each of these five hubs. 

HubSpot Marketing Hub

Get all your marketing efforts on one platform. Track the data, analyze the results, and optimize your inbound marketing strategy for growth.

HubSpot Sales Hub

Sell better. Track new prospects, nurture new leads, and close deals with tools like automated email sequences, workflows, and notifications. 

HubSpot Service Hub

All the tools your team needs to provide excellent service. The better your service, the more likely customers are to come back for more.

HubSpot CMS Hub

A content management software that’s easy for marketers, powerful for developers, personalized and secure for customers AND powered by a seamless CRM platform.

HubSpot Operations Hub

Sync, clean, and curate customer data with ease. Then automate friction-free business processes and customer experiences based on what you know. 


Evenbound As Your HubSpot Partner

If you’re ready to talk inbound marketing, and especially if you’re ready to talk inbound marketing with HubSpot, Evenbound is your go-to. As a HubSpot Diamond Solutions Partner, we know just about everything there is to know about HubSpot’s offerings and inbound marketing methodology. 

We’re just as passionate about your growth as you are. We’ll get an idea of where you’re at and where you want to be. Then, we’ll develop a custom inbound marketing strategy for you and set you up with the tools you need to succeed with it.


Evenbound As Your HubSpot Partner

If you’re ready to talk inbound marketing, and especially if you’re ready to talk inbound marketing with HubSpot, Evenbound is your go-to. As a HubSpot Diamond Solutions Partner, we know just about everything there is to know about HubSpot’s offerings and inbound marketing methodology. 

We’re just as passionate about your growth as you are. We’ll get an idea of where you’re at and where you want to be. Then, we’ll develop a custom inbound marketing strategy for you and set you up with the tools you need to succeed with it.

Inbound Marketing FAQs

Numbers. We look at how your site is currently performing, where you’re seeing positive results, and where you may have opportunities to improve. We run keyword reports to see the best possible key phrases to rank for, for the lowest price.

Then we implement our strategy based on those numbers. After implementation, we send you monthly reports on how your site and overall inbound marketing strategy is performing. We take those monthly numbers and use them to refine and optimize your strategy for continuous growth.

That’s a tough one, and the answer is — it depends. We have clients who have seen astronomical results in less than 30 days, but it all depends on the client. Inbound marketing relies on a number of tactics that can take a while to see the benefits from.

Since Google indexes sites randomly, you may not see the SEO boost you want for a few months. That said, there are plenty of tactics — like paid search and social media advertising — that will produce immediate results, especially when paired with an optimized digital platform.

That’s totally your prerogative. We understand that inbound marketing is new, and it can be a little nebulous. How about this: would you spend $1 to make $100? That’s the kind of ROI we deliver.

Let’s talk! It’s true that you don’t see a lot of B2B manufacturer advertising on sites like Facebook, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t work for you. If you think about it, the majority of up-and-coming engineers these days are in their 30s to 40s. That demographic has the highest reported usage of Facebook and LinkedIn, both highly reputable social media channels that make ad targeting exceptionally easy.

While a broad net social media ad campaign wouldn’t work for your B2B, we can target ads for you by job title, interests, and even by employer. You’ll only spend money on ads that are going to those plant managers or senior engineer most likely to engage with you in the first place.

Nope! We really only recommend HubSpot to the clients who seem like the best fits. If your company isn’t big enough yet to require a full-suite CRM, we certainly won’t make you sign up. If you are a larger company with separate sales and marketing teams, you may find HubSpot helpful.

That’s awesome! If you already love the website you’ve got, we won’t change it. We may make a few behind-the-scenes changes to make sure you’re ranking for key phrases and ideas that are important in your industry, but if you love your site you certainly don’t have to change it. We’re happy to implement an inbound marketing strategy that uses your existing website.

Let’s get started! As a growth agency offering a holistic approach to inbound marketing tactics, we understand that not just one tactic will deliver all of the results you’re looking for.

If you want to do PPC and social media ads, we can help you optimize them to reach the greatest number of qualified leads. Check out our Outbound Marketing page for more info on our paid advertising services.

We provide customized reports every month so you can see for yourself how the site is performing and how users are interacting with it. We will host and run regular updates to keep your information safe at all times.

Got Big Growth Goals for Your Company? We're Here for That!

If you're ready to chat, we're ready to listen. Leave us a message to get started.

Serious Results. Serious Fun.

At Evenbound, we're all about helping our clients grow. We use inbound and outbound marketing strategies to deliver you the qualified traffic and leads you need for serious growth. And we have a lot of fun doing it.


(616) 215-0626
12 Washington Ave. #280
Grand Haven, MI 49417

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