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Case Study

How We Helped a Fire & Security Systems Company Implement HubSpot Sales and Shorten Their Sales Cycle

Chips Grid
Chips Grid


We streamlined Vanguard Fire & Security System’s sales process and implemented tools that helped them convert qualified leads faster — all in just one quarter.


New Leads


New Customers


Million Dollars Closed Won


For many companies, establishing a defined, effective, and efficient sales process is a big ask. Your team is already busy selling. They don’t have the time to fuss with the “how.” They just need to do. But without a streamlined sales process, leads can fall through the cracks, and your sales team spends more time figuring out who’s handling what than actually closing.

This is the position our client, Vanguard Fire & Security Systems (Vanguard for short) found themselves in when they came to us looking for marketing and sales support.


The Problem

An outdated and ineffective sales process reliant on unstructured spreadsheets

A leading provider of fire protection and commercial security services, Vanguard not only needed help converting digital leads but also sticking to an established process for what to do with them after the fact. With no defined sales process and no visibility, it was difficult for them to know where they were and where they needed to be. The Vanguard team needed: 

  • A sales enablement initiative that would provide transparency across the board
  • Tools that could support and streamline this new sales process

Products Used

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HubSpot CRM

This powerhouse, easy-to-use CRM allows you to track every detail of your business relationships with contacts and companies. 

HubSpot Marketing Hub
Marketing Hub

This hub is the all-in-one marketing automation software your team needs to attract attention to your business and store lead data. 

HubSpot Sales Hub
Sales Hub

With a user-friendly interface, Sales Hub offers a range of robust features to help your sales team effectively manage their pipelines, automate repetitive tasks, and close deals faster.

Prior to HubSpot and our partnership with Evenbound, Vanguard Fire & Security Systems really had nothing in terms of a sales process. We were bumping around with spreadsheets and didn’t have any structure for tackling a new lead.

Micah, Director of Sales & Marketing


Our Solution

A cross-channel sales enablement plan, which heavily relied on HubSpot Sales Hub implementation

In January 2020, following Vanguard’s HubSpot onboarding, we launched a full-fledged sales enablement initiative. Our sales enablement strategy was designed to give the Vanguard sales team tools that would support faster, more efficient sales, plus the training they needed to use them successfully.

The strategy included three main objectives: setting up HubSpot deal stages, sales leaderboards, and email sequences with meeting links.

Deal Stages

  • The first step was moving the Vanguard team off of spreadsheets. We implemented sales pipelines in the HubSpot CRM that defined a solid, consistent sales process with deal stages that aligned with their goals. With defined deal stages the whole team could see, the Vanguard team no longer had to worry about visibility or accountability. Every prospect in the pipeline is easily visible, and Vanguard’s team administrator now assigns all new leads and tasks to the appropriate sales team member, ensuring no leads fall through the cracks.

Sales Leaderboards

  • With a solid sales process, Vanguard then needed visibility on how that process was working. We implemented sales leaderboards that enabled each sales rep to see what progress they were making in both a yearly and monthly context. The leaderboards reduced flywheel friction by creating incentives for everyone engaged and being an effective tool for continuous improvement, allowing sales leaders to share what strategies were most effective for them with the rest of the team.

Email Sequences & Meeting Links

  • Vanguard knew that industry conferences and tradeshows were one of their best opportunities to find new leads. They just needed the tools to better engage those qualified leads. We worked with the Vanguard team to automate sequences that would go out before and after events. Before sequences included meeting links, making it easy for prospects to schedule time with a Vanguard rep at their convenience, reducing friction and the back-and-forth communication that often goes along with setting up a meeting. By the time their event rolled around, the Vanguard sales team had a full list of meetings set up with qualified prospects, plus a streamlined method of following up afterward!
One of the biggest benefits of moving to HubSpot with Evenbound has been having a HubSpot Trainer to walk the team through each new step and tool. Evenbound’s support is integral to us actually using and benefiting from the tool. We’re able to make adjustments to our process, and we get the support training we need when we bring on new team members, or even when someone just needs a refresher on a certain tool.

Micah, Director of Sales & Marketing

The Results

Over 900 new contacts in one quarter, and the tools and training needed to close them

By streamlining the Vanguard sales process and implementing tools that could help them convert qualified leads faster, we effectively helped the company shorten its sales cycle. These improvements are represented by Vanguard’s Q1 results.

With more leads coming in and a shortened sales cycle, Vanguard’s flywheel is spinning faster than ever. Of course, these results are a full credit to the Vanguard team’s investment in this sales enablement initiative. Their ability to onboard, embrace the HubSpot Sales Hub tools, and keep using them is what has truly delivered these results.

Chips Grid
Chips Grid

$2.8 million closed won

921 new contacts

96 new customers

Reach out to us

Shorten Your Sales Cycle with Help from Our HubSpot Heroes

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We’re all about helping our clients reach their full potential and using HubSpot to get them there. Our team is composed of technical and creative experts who build tailored solutions to drive revenue and growth.

Chips Grid
Chips Grid


Deals Closed
Since Redesign


New Leads