Optimizing Your B2B Manufacturing Website Page Content

Last month, we talked about why inbound marketing matters for B2Bs, specifically industrial manufacturers, and in that post, how crucial it is for B2Bs to have digital content that is optimized for search (if you missed Inbound Marketing for Industrial Manufacturers, read it here). Your website is your company’s primary representation in the digital world, and it’s important that your content is optimized to best attract future customers.
In case your manufacturing page content could use a little love, here are a few tips to optimizing B2B page content for the clients you actually want:
Website Page Content Is Not Print Marketing Copy
Many B2B manufacturers make the mistake of treating their website like it’s a brochure or flyer. Some even go so far as to directly copy all of the content from their print marketing materials right onto their new websites. While you might be able to gather some useful information and content ideas from your current print marketing copy, you shouldn’t just copy it. It’s not designed for the way people read websites.
Additionally, digital content has many more capabilities than print, including linking, embedding video, and searchability. These are all capabilities you should take advantage of, as interactive page elements like links and video work well to gain viewers’ attention.
How Do You Optimize Manufacturing Page Content?
Like all digital content, your website page content should use SEO principles, specifically, by including the keywords that relate to that page and your business. These should be words and phrases your ideal customers are typing in when they search for your products or services. (For more on why SEO matters for B2Bs, click here.)
But unlike blog posts, content offers, and other digital content, the purpose and tone depends upon the type of page:
- Blogs and the like are primarily informative, used to refresh your site’s content, optimize your site for relevant keywords, and provide prospective customers with information they need about your product, service, or industry.
- Website page content is also informative, but it’s more explicitly promotional—it informs prospective customers about your specific products and services, as well as your company itself. Your page content needs to tell website visitors what you do, what you sell, how you do it, and who you are, and you need to do it in a way that speaks to the kinds of customers you want to attract.
To truly optimize your page content, you need to have comprehensive pages on your products or services. Those pages need to include the keywords your future customers are searching. You also need to segment your customer base and create paths specifically tailored to each type of buyer.
Check out how we've optimized our site for our target buyers: in the main navigation bar under “Who We Help” we have each of our client segments— Manufacturing & Industrial Marketing, Developer & Home Builder Marketing, and Professional Services & Small Business Marketing.
For each of those segments, we have page content that addresses how our inbound marketing and growth services will help clients in those industries meet and exceed their marketing and growth goals. These pages include links to relevant case studies, testimonials, and clients who are in the specific customer segment, to demonstrate our experience in the needs of the industry.
If your B2B manufacturing website is outdated or failing to generate leads, your page content could be part of the problem. Evenbound has experience working with B2B and industrial manufacturing clients to optimize page content and implement inbound marketing practices and digital content strategy, and we can create a website that will generate leads and foster growth. Interested in learning more? Let’s start the conversation.