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Website Strategies to Increase Calls & Conversions


Whether you're a B2B, a home services pro, or a housing developer, you need leads. For every business, leads, calls, conversions, and a potential client picking up the phone to say "I need your help" is the goal. If you're working on your website and digital marketing strategy, you probably already understand the importance of those leads, but what might not be so clear is how to get them.

Building a website that drives leads, calls and conversions can take time, but it is doable. And once you get it working for you? Your entire sales team will have additional hours to work with existing clients, building your base of dedicated customers. On the whole, calls and conversions make your life easier, and generate more revenue for your company. But if you're just starting out, you may not have figured out how to drive those conversions online yet. Here are a few website strategies you can employ to give your digital marketing strategy the best chance at boosting your leads:


Make it Easy

Before we talk about anything else, if you want to increase calls and conversions, your fundamental goal should be to make your clients' web experience as easy as possible. The easier it is to navigate, find information, and call or reach out, the more likely you are to get those conversions. In every web improvement you make, you have to ask: does this make the viewer's life easier? If the answer is yes, then make the change. If it's not, there's a potential that your conversion rate will drop. With the concept of making the buyer's journey easier at the front of your mind, you're sure to implement changes that will help boost calls and conversion.


Logical Placement

Because consumers are (like we said earlier) creatures of habit, it's a good idea to place things where they'll expect them. You should always have a "contact us" button on the top right of your website, because that's where most consumers will look for it, and it's where they're used to seeing them. Placing buttons and click-to-calls exactly where consumers expect them to be is a surefire way to help customers covert quickly.


Make it a Button

If you want people to get in touch, you need to make that very clear, front and center. The best way to do that is to make a button. Whether you were linking to a landing page, offering a free download, or requesting that people call you, the bolder it is, the more likely people are to see it, and follow through on that action. That's why call-to-action buttons work. They're bright, they're bold, and again, the consumer is used to seeing them, so they have a good idea of what will happen when they click. Buttons offer the perfect way to call out those opportunities for leads to call and convert, making it easier still for people to contact you.



Why do people call you?

Typically it's because they think you're the best for the job. Whether you have the best prices or seem the most trustworthy, people will call or email you when they're convinced that you are their best option. The absolute best way for you to make that clear is to feature testimonials and client reviews.

Let your previous work speak for you! If you did a really great job on a house, or you know a client that loved working with you, have them write a short sentence or two, and put it on your website. Nothing builds consumer confidence more than seeing that other consumers—just like them—had a great experience with you. The more comfortable new site visitors feel with your company and your level of service, the more likely they are to call you. So, put those testimonials on your website. And if there's a clean, logical way to place them next to a call-to-action, do that too. That way, as soon as they read all of those great things other people have said about your company, they can pick up the phone and give you a call.


Add a Chat Tool

Today's consumer wants instant answers. They appreciate a company that can solve their problem, right now. One easy way to implement that idea for your own business is to add a chat tool. A small icon on the bottom of your consumer's screen, it just lets them know if they need help right now, there's someone there for them. It's a great way to get simple questions answered, and to start building a solid relationship, so when that client makes the final decision to buy — you're the one they turn to. A chat feature is easily added to your website, you just need to make sure someone is monitoring it during the day, and you turn it off when no one is in the office.


Consider Adding a Headshot

Though this may seem small, adding a headshot can actually do a lot to help boost calls and conversions. In today's virtual world, many consumers feel a disconnect when they're browsing the web. It's easy to forget that there are real people behind the companies you're looking at, and the services you're looking for. A small headshot next to your call-to-action button or on your chat tool will remind potential clients that they have the opportunity to talk to a real person who can answer their questions. In today's virtual world, person-to-person communication is a big deal. A small headshot is a quick, easy addition that can make a major difference because people are able to see exactly who they'll be working with and talking to—a personal experience they might not get anywhere else.

In the end, the best way to boost calls and conversions is to make sure that you've made your website user experience as easy as possible. If potential clients can find the information they're looking for quickly and efficiently, they're more likely to convert. Your website design should work in tandem with quality content that answers questions and solves problems. While that content will pull them deeper into your site, convincing them further that you're the right company for the job, when they're ready to make a decision, your calls-to-action and content offers will be there to help them convert easily.

If you still have questions about boosting website calls and conversions, we're here to help! Inbound marketing is kind of our thing, so we've got plenty to say about calls-to-action and getting you the digital leads you've been looking for. Give us a call to schedule a one-on-one consultation with our president, John, or check out the case study below to see more ways we can make your website work for you: