What is Outbound Marketing in 2020?

Outbound marketing is and has been a lot of things. If we're honest, it hasn't always been great. Outbound marketing is probably best known for annoying push marketing.
Yeah, we're talking telemarketers, cold calling, that delightful junk mail you're always throwing away, and basically any form of marketing that pushes a product or service on you, without even attempting to be personal. It's not relevant, it's usually poorly timed (ahem, telemarketers who call at dinner time), and it doesn't usually put you in a positive frame of mind to make a purchase.
But now that we're clear about how terrible outbound marketing used to be, we can talk about what outbound marketing is in 2020, and how it can be successful and useful today. We're going to focus on effective outbound digital marketing because even though there are companies out there still using traditional techniques like telemarketing, there are better, more efficient, and more positive ways to implement outbound marketing in 2020.
What is Outbound Marketing in 2020?
In 2020, outbound marketing is an effective way to get your message in front of the right people immediately, and on a larger scale than organic and inbound tactics can deliver.
It's important to remember that while outbound marketing has been frustrating to consumers in the past, it's still a successful marketing strategy when applied correctly in a non-interruptive way. As we move into 2020, outbound marketing will continue to evolve. We've already seen outbound marketing deliver results for our clients in forms like pay-per-click advertising, social media advertising, and even strategic outbound email campaigns, and we expect that trend to continue throughout this new year.
In 2020, successful outbound marketing has less to do with what platforms you use, and more to do with how you apply your own strategy to those platforms. Let's take a look at what outbound marketing that works will look like in 2020.
Successful Outbound Marketing in 2020 Will Be:
Outbound marketing doesn't have to be disruptive. In fact, it can be a really helpful form of marketing, especially for consumers who are ready to make a purchasing decision. Here's a glance at what outbound marketing in 2020 should look like.
Impersonal, disruptive messaging is the number one reason that traditional outbound marketing strategies fail. When done right, outbound marketing can produce serious results for your company. It puts you in front of a large pool of the right consumers.
But, you're only going to get their attention if your message is relevant to their goals and pain points and if it's not disruptive to their life.
That's why we're hoping that in 2020, more people start to look at outbound marketing through an inbound marketing lense. There's nothing wrong with paid and outbound digital marketing tactics — they really do work! But, they work best when they're approached with an inbound mindset of incorporating your message seamlessly into the consumer's day, rather than interrupting them to shout out an impersonalized promotion.
Take the time to understand what your audience is looking for. If you're on Facebook, choose audiences who have a legitimate interest in your product or service. If you're working on paid ad sets for Google, choose search terms that are relevant to what you're promoting. No one wants to see an ad for gym shoes when they searched "ice cream near me."
If you're hoping to implement successful outbound marketing strategies in 2020, personalized, relevant messages that aren't disruptive are the key.
Outbound marketing tactics in 2020 have a specific purpose — to convert qualified leads more efficiently than inbound tactics can. Outbound digital marketing gets your message in front of the right consumers, right now. Make sure you're using that to your advantage.
Implement your 2020 outbound marketing campaigns where you know they'll be the most effective, and efficient. Outbound marketing tactics like remarketing and paid search ad campaigns targeted to end-of-funnel keywords are great ways to quickly convert leads who have already shown interest in your company. They just need that little extra push to convert.
That's what you use outbound marketing for — efficient, tactical conversions of the leads you already know are interested in your product or service. If you're trying to use outbound marketing tactics to nurture leads and build relationships, you're not going to see those immediate results or the ROI you're looking for, because that's not what outbound marketing is designed to do.
The time for massive outbound marketing budgets is over. We're not saying you shouldn't spend money on outbound marketing, but we are saying you should be strategic about where you spend your budget. Digital outbound marketing methods can be exceptionally cost-effective if you know what you're doing. How to know what you're doing? Here are a few good ways to start:
It's worth it to spend money on outbound marketing campaigns that target people at the end of their buyer's journey. They know exactly what they're looking for, they just need to make a purchase.
Long-tail keywords like "Honeywell Commercial Alarm System Installation in Grand Rapids" show you that the consumer has already done their homework, and made their decision. Now, they just need to find a provider. When you bid on these keywords, you'll show up as a first option for those consumers who are ready to buy.
If you have a specific product or service that secures higher returns, that's where you should be allocating your outbound marketing budget. If you can spend less to make more with your outbound campaigns, you're going to see the ROI and the results you've been looking for.
Above all, analyze your outbound marketing campaigns constantly. Keep a close eye on where your money is going, and where it's delivering leads.
In 2020, the paid advertising market will be more competitive than ever. The best way to get ahead without breaking the bank is to spend strategically on just the campaigns sure to deliver you the best results, and the greatest ROI.
Outbound marketing is one part of a complete digital marketing strategy. It's important to apply outbound marketing tactics in the spaces where they can provide you with the greatest returns.
In 2020 outbound marketing will be one of the fastest ways to get your company out ahead of the competition, but it's important to remember that it's not the only marketing tactic out there, and it shouldn't be the only component of your marketing strategy.
Outbound marketing costs money. And as more and more people are buying into paid social media advertising, pay-per-click ads, display campaigns, and more in 2020, the costs of outbound marketing will continue to rise.
In order to see significant returns, and to get the leads you want at a price that allows you to keep growing, it's important to be strategic about where you use your outbound marketing tactics.
For example, inbound marketing can help you nurture leads with relevant content that answers questions. Outbound marketing can't do that. Outbound marketing can raise brand awareness, get your company in front of the right leads, and help you close those buyers who are ready to make a decision, but it can't do the long, hard work of lead nurturing, educating, or building relationships — all important components of an effective long-term growth strategy. For that, you need other tactics and strategies like inbound marketing and excellent customer service.
In 2020 the key to a marketing strategy that delivers growth is understanding how to balance inbound and outbound tactics for the best results. Use outbound marketing where you can get those quick wins: targeted and remarketing ads, calling consumers back to you at the end of their buyer's journey, and raising brand awareness. But remember that in the end, outbound marketing is a tool to help you build on an already solid marketing foundation.
If you use your outbound tactics to supplement an already amazing website, rich original content, and a robust digital marketing strategy, you're sure to win in 2020.
Not sure how to implement outbound marketing in 2020? Don't hesitate to reach out! We've got a ton of resources on outbound marketing, and we love to chat about how inbound and outbound marketing can complement each other. We'd be happy to help answer any questions you've got.