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What is HubSpot? A Plain English Guide to HubSpot's Software

what is hubspot? plain english guide

If you're at all interested in inbound marketing, you've probably heard of HubSpot. They're a leader in the digital marketing industry, and their blogs, videos, and certification courses are pretty popular. While you might know who HubSpot, the company, is, it's a little harder to know what HubSpot, the software, is and does.

There's a lot of industry jargon thrown around, and to be fair, HubSpot is a huge platform; it's hard to outline all of its capabilities in just one sentence. Since we use it every day, we thought we'd take a shot at breaking down what HubSpot is for you.

Here's our plain English guide to getting started with HubSpot: what HubSpot is, how it works, and what tools and benefits it can offer you. 

Use this menu to jump to the sections most important to you, or read right through!

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